Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Journal : Wednesday 9-21-11

Arcade Fire (Mr Little Jeans Remix)
The Suburbs

Question : If you could drive anywhere in the world, where would you drive?


  1. un, my voice is like two shotguns going off ready to rumble before these others backsassers do because my birthday is here and there out eating cheese.people can't see the prize of my birthday but only the shadow of the stars in the night sky begging licking there own yellow tires off there cars but what they miss understood is that my shirt is even yellower than the tires of there cars.making me shine like a yellow god star healing my marks in the night sky making me look more normal than these other unborn ant crawlers around me.

  2. Journal : Wednesday 9-21-11
    Arcade Fire (Mr Little Jeans Remix)
    The Suburbs
    i would drive to California. because i always like to go there and take a trip there. see all there nice place.

  3. I'd love to drive along the Pacific coast all the way up to Washington, taking the scenic route of course.
