Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Journal : Wednesday 2-1-12

Benny Goodman
Sing Sing Sing 

Question : Who do you think has more fun, the people hearing the music or the people playing music?

Glenn Miller - In the Mood

Glenn Miller - Moonlight Serenade


  1. My show and tell is "Winterborn" by the Cruxshadows (pronounced Croo-shadows).

    If you would I would like for you to read the following to the students if you want it to be an "argue my point of view" sort of thing.

    I chose this song for its beat and the way they blend the violin and synthesizer, but I also chose it for the lyrics. They speak to me on a deeper level, I think that it reaches out to that basic fighter in all of us. Showing that secret craving for war, honor and valor.

  2. I believe listing to the music is more fun. For me dancing and feeling the music is something I enjoy a lot. So I believe I'd rather be the one admiring the musicians and relaxing or dancing.

  3. Honestly, it can go either way. People who listen to music can enjoy it, like I do. But, people who play and sing could also have fun. They might want to play more than listen. In a sense, they're playing and listening. It's a thrill for both parties.

  4. people have more fun playing the music that hearing it take from me
