Friday, September 7, 2012

Journal : Friday 9-7-2012

Some Nights

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
StePhest Colbchella '012 - fun. - "Some Nights"
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Question : What element of music do you find the most fun?


  1. I think the fun element in music is playing live and listening to music.

  2. I like the element of just playing music and having fun is the best out of all.

  3. Listening to music and making music are the most fun elements of music to me.

  4. I find peforming, listening and making music is all around interesting, I believe it depends on the genre though. Music creates a mood and gets in depth with our feelings, it's quite fascinating. Every element of music is great and should always be stretched to the fullest.

  5. Making music, to be more accurate with a electronic keyboard. Why? you can lupe many different sounds together.

  6. I would say performing cause you never know what's gunna happen & your also listening to it at the same time

  7. Listening to the music and watching performers enjoying it make's it fun. Listening and really"feeling'' the music makes it fun.

  8. Music is music, I may not enjoy some of what I hear but music is music. You should enjoy it because sooner or later nothing will be music anymore, it will all be made electronically. To answer your question I will have to say mostly everything. A lot of bands I listen to do the who auto tune or the dubstep sound and almost everything. So I don't really judge, actually to be honest I listen to everything and anything. If I don't care for it I just wont listen to it, but i will not judge other by what they listen to.

  9. I love Pop music! I love synths I find them fun and I like upbeat music. I think it's a little harder to be in the whole pop scene because you have to make sure what your doing doesn't look to familiar to anyone that has been making music longer than you have. You want to make sure your new and interesting to the world of pop music.
